Saturday, April 18, 2009

Am I the only one who get's annoyed by people who ask really dumb questions here?

For example: How much does it cost to fly from _____ to _____? For gosh sakes, why ask that question here? Why not go to Yahoo Travel, of Orbitz, etc. And the questions like: Am I hot? Puuuleeeeze! Does anyone else here agree?

You are not the only one. There are many more that think they are superior to everyone else than just you, love.

An intelligent person can learn more from a stupid question than a stupid person can ever learn from an intelligent question - A quote, but I forget who said it.



To me the most annoying questions are the ones by teenage boys trying out their newly discovered sex words.

You do have a point about the personal questions (Do you like my avatar, etc.).

I don't really mind the questions that need links to Orbitz and other common sites. Maybe they really don't know where to look for the answer.

I totally agree with you.

The person who stated that there is no such thing as a stupid question obviously never went on yahoo answers........

You are not alone.........I cannot believe some of the dumb questions people ask and they can't spell or speak properly.

yes i do, and i see an awful lot of those questions on this site..i think alot of these people are just kids that are bored.


Yes it is! Aggravates me to no end.

i do


I, too, am amazed at the ignorance and blatant stupidity that permeates this site.

No you are not the only one ,some times i wonder where they came from the back woods of some foreign land.

Maybe they are dumb Questions to you

But maybe they are not dumb to them.

And if you never ask well you will never know.

Love & Blessings


yeah, especially when people ask stupid questions about stupid questions...puuuuuleeeze

Yea, just like the one I heard"am i the only one... JUST KIDDING

Thank you littleflower for asking that wonderful question!!!! It's so annoying to see some of the perverted, sex, penis size, what are you wearing, and what kind of purse should i buy? questions!!!!!!!! Just to name a few.

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