Oh are you not gonna like this...
But my new best buddy Travel site is (wait for it..)
-dunh dunh, DUNH (3 always better)
farechase.yahoo.com - really like it. searches a mass of other travel sites and does what most of us do, and lists by price. Gives a option sidebar to augment your choices. It is a real find, and I challenge people to find better. Maybe by a couple of dollars, but I am sure no more than that.
Also have been aided by SideStep which does a similar search of all known travel sites, except of course those that don't wanna share. Some airlines won't participate.
Hotels.com has worked well for there part.
My best suggestion is testing out different dates, different airports, different times of day.
Also surprisingly try the airline's site. Northwest had better fares than any posted at other multi-site, but it seems like that was just once. And American beat other fares to Puerto Rico by a few hundred dollars.
Search till you think you've seen everything... then search one more time!
Every dollar, heck every nickel in your pocket is worth the time!
Toady with money in her pocket (theoretically). ;-)
Ta for the best answer. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20060624123137AAm7p3P&kid=NbUvWjO_VTbKbwy91UUx&s=comm&date=2006-06-28+15%3A23%3A47&.crumb=
If you talking in terms of Information Travel site it's www.virtualtourist.com ....no doubt
oh-oh, i detect an unpleasant anecdote about orbitz. uncanny coincidence... seeing how expedia was down this morning i decided to check orbitz. the prices and flexibility were comparable to expedia's. i was looking to book a one-way ticket, and hotwire (as someone above suggested) couldn't help me out there at all. i have yet to use yahoo! travel, perhaps it would be worth looking into. and of course something where you're left at the whim of a schedule you won't know until you've purchased the ticket might appeal to some, but in this case i'm not in favor of risk-taking.
so to sum up, i'll be happy to stick with expedia until given a reason to change... three trips so far with no problems at all (knock on wood...)
edit::: just checked yahoo! travel. all three sites (along with expedia and orbitz) are within $5 of the same price for identical flights. i guess it still beats nwa.com.
Hmmmmmm, from past experience, I've used both, Travelocity and Hotwire, with great success. I've checked into others of course, but went with the easiest to use site, and the one that stayed within my budget, at the time.
It's so great being able to book EVERYTHING related to a vacation (holiday), online! We unfortunately haven't traveled in a while, but are planning a trip to Italy within a year or two, and will no doubt be booking everying online. :)
Sigh...now I'm having all of these wonderful visions of traveling...thank you! :)
well i looked on web pages like that for the first time not to long ago, yahoo's found me the best price for my flight, I haven't left yet so I don't know if everything will be 100% ok yet but it seams to be. Don't have any complaints about them yet, found it easy to use.
Omg! HOTWIRE!!! go to www.hotwire.com They are by far, the cheapest! I have used them twice now... they will save you loads over ALL of the rest
I do think it is Orbitz. They have problems like all others but are still a little better
Booking Buddy and ITA Software. If you're in Europe, Kelkoo flight shopper is also very good.
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