Also what about the down payment. Is that amount the fee for using the travel agency? It seems like it when I compare the same prices to orbitz or expedia.
And is the downpayment subtracted from the actual cost of the trip..or added to it? Cuz after looking at the final cost on the bill it seems like the downpayment was not accounted for. And if it was then damn, that's seems a bit high in price.
I know online there are probably better deals than with working with another human being, but I'd still like to know how these things work.
First off, the downpayment should be part of, not in addition to, the total cost of the trip. It's a reservation fee so that if you cancel, not all the money is lost. I'm assuming that you booked a package or tour.
The best thing to do is to ask all these questions to your agent, if you've paid them a fee, then it is their job to be your agent, and explain everything to you until you understand it. It's one of the reasons why one uses an agent instead of going online.
If you can't pay the total amount on the due date, but can pay a day or two later, talk to your agent, they may be able to get you an extra day or two to pay. Otherwise, the trip could get cancelled, and they would be within their rights to do so.
I book travel all the time.Yes you do get some your money back.No all back.I took two cruses in my life.
Maybe, or even the refund returned to you.
As for me, for my recent trip to Barbados, a travel agency would make a reservation in my name, and give me 3 days to make a payment, if not, then the reservation will go to someone else.. That's their rules..
Best thing to do, is talk to your travel agency and find out.. Ask all the questions that you want to know, just to be on safe side.
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